The best way to choose a remote job is to pick the kind that works with your lifestyle. For example, I have an infant, so no phone opportunities work best for me. I need my schedule to be flexible so work-at-your own pace is my preference. I’ll help you locate opportunities that match your lifestyle inside.
How It Works 3 Important Steps to Become A Sit-At-Home Profits Mama
Join Our Community & Become a Work-From-Home Mama.
The 1st phase is the MOST crucial step! We’ll help you find lucrative online opportunities to fast-track your journey to becoming a stay-at-home mama. Gain access to our community for immediate virtual job options, some offering six-figure salaries and fantastic benefits for you and your family. Secure the right-now virtual income you need to support your lifestyle from the comfort of home.
Build Your Empire & Become a Mama-Boss.
This is the 2nd phase of our process and it is SUPER important. In this phase, you’ll discover how to plan, develop, and, launch your own virtual business for 100% profit 24/7 on autopilot. You’ll get the nuts & bolts to build your own brand on the web so that you can become a Mama boss with ULTIMATE lifestyle freedom.
Enhance Your Self-Care Routine & Feel Amazing
The 3rd Phase of our process is SUPER important in our process because we prioritize your well-being. Get the latest self-care tips and tricks tailored to you, focusing on rejuvenation, beauty, and personal wellness. It’s your ultimate destination for moms looking to thrive at home while nurturing themselves.

10 Best Remote Jobs That Busy Moms Can Easily Land
Discover the top 10 remote jobs that any mom can do from the comfort of their own home. Get access to these paying jobs that let you stay home and earn a steady paycheck, now.

Best Way To Start An Online Biz For $100 or Less
Here’s where you will learn EXACTLY how to get your very own virtual business up and running for less than $100. That’s right, high-volume 24/7 profits for low startup costs and it’s all inside . . .

8 Daily Action Steps For Moms To Reach Virtual Money Goals
Get the EXACT daily actions you need to take to reach your virtual money goals. This spells out the income-producing activities that get you results.
Hey Ladies! Welcome To The Club! I'm Teresa Cole, a real life sit-at-home profits mama
I’m Teresa Cole, founder, and CEO of Sit-At-Home Profits. And yes, I am a real-sit-at-home mom. I decided a few years ago that I was tired of choosing between work and family. I wanted to be a great mom, but after a divorce, I needed resources too. I was tired of leaving my young sons at home while I worked midnights, weekends, and holidays. Despite all of my sacrifices, I was still unable to make ends meet. I wanted a change.
One day, I was watching house hunters and there was a guy purchasing a house for 1.2 million dollars. I couldn’t help but think, “what does he do?” How can he make such a large purchase with a smile on his face? During the show, I discovered that he did something called internet marketing, and he did it from the comfort of his own home. Here I was working doubles, nights, and weekends, and this guy was earning 7 figures from the comfort of his own home.
I began researching and ran across a mentor that taught me all about internet marketing and how to use it to make money online. After learning more about it, I left corporate America and never looked back. I’ve been leveraging the internet for profits and working as an online business strategist to help other do the same thing for over 10 years. In that time frame here’s what I discovered. . . CONTINUE READING.

Since joining the sit-at-home moms club, I’ve been able to leverage the internet for profit and quit my corporate job.

I’m so glad I no longer have to take Jason to daycare. Since becoming a member, I make more money sitting at home on my couch with my baby than I ever did on my job.

I still can’t believe that my alarm clock is the sound of my sweet baby’s voice wanting some cuddle time with mommy. I wouldn’t trade being a sit at home mom member for the world.

I love, love, love being a sit-at-home mom. I’ve learned so much about earning money online and I’ve been able to launch my own biz too. I’m getting automatic profits all while playing with Tyler most of the day, thanks so much!

This whole experience has been great! I’m so glad that I don’t have to choose between my family and being at the office. I can be the mom I’ve always wanted to be and still earn money. The best part is that I do it all from home!

Knowing that I don’t have to go back to work and put Kelci in daycare is the best feeling in the world. I’m so thankful for sit-at-home-profits because now I can be with my baby as much as I want.
What Does Membership Include? From online job opportunities to virtual biz startup coaching, and overall tips to upgrading your lifestyle, you will get (step-by-step) guidance on how to be a sit-at-home profits mom!

Online Job Opportunities
Sis, we got to help you get a job, contract, or freelance opportunity. I know you got dreams and all, but having income NOW can help you & your household in these trying times, but no worries, everything I’ll show you can be done from home. You’ll still be able to be the mom you’ve always wanted to be.

Virtual Biz Coaching
Sis, while you earning money from your virtual job, we got to make you a boss! Let’s create digital products and services that earn you profits 24/7 and are 100% yours. Inside, you’ll learn how to plan, develop, and launch your own brand so you can truly create REAL lifestyle freedom.

Implementation Training
Sis, it’s time to take massive action. Yet, we want your actions to move you forward so that you’re not spinning your wheels going nowhere. When you become a member, you’ll get the daily action steps for maximizing internet profits. It helps when you know EXACTLY what to do to get results.

Lifestyle Coaching
Sis, in addition to learning virtual money techniques, you’ll discover how much we care about you. You’ll get exclusive mommy tips such as recipes and parenting hacks + secret insider information on fitness, beauty, mindset & personal development.
What's It Like To Be A Sit-At-Home Mom? Peak into the life of a sit-at-home mama.
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Have you been wanting to earn money on the internet?
Don’t wait! Start TODAY! Subscribe for tips & strategies. JOIN for the (step-by-step) process to leverage the internet for profits.
Qualified Business Strategist & Lifestyle Coaches Our coaches provide guidance and management in the major components of internet profits, including clarity, mentality, employment, branding, & much more.

Teresa Cole CEO / FOUNDER
Hi, I’m Teresa Cole. I’m the stay-at-home mom that founded sit-at-home profits because I got tired of choosing between work & family. I learned to leverage the internet for profits & I’ll show you how you can too.

Gregory Sam Tech/Support
Hey, I’m Greg! I’m your tech support. If you have any issues accessing your account, courses, or content, I’ll be the one to get your support ticket. It’s my goal to make sure you can always access your materials so you can keep things moving forward.

Johnathan Smith Brand Specialist
Hi, I’m Johnathan, and I help create material on branding and content creation. When you’re ready to build your own brand and promote it on the web, I’m your guy!

Dr. Savanah Johnson Mentality & Personality Coach
Hi, I’m Savanah. I can’t wait to help you discover your unique personality and build the mentality that will place you in a position to win. You will learn how to win in your business, in your home, and in your overall life!